Patient and Public Engagement Health and Safety

Health and Safety is of paramount importance to the Patient and Public Engagement Team, we need to ensure that potential hazards are assessed thoroughly and cover as wide a range of control measures in our policies and risk assessments as possible.
Three weeks prior to your event (events, talks or school visits), please complete a Risk Assessment: click here to download a blank document.
Once completed, please send back through to for approval. You MUST have completed an assessment before your event can be fully approved, regardless of availability and volunteers. All Risk Assessments will be sent on for H&S approval.
More information about Risk Assessments can be found on the staff internal intranet - Risk assessments (
When completing the Risk Assessment remember to look at everything as a potential hazard, you are also required to complete a dynamic risk assessment when on site (identify hazard, reduce or stop activity depending on risk). Please also refer to the current Government and Trust policies regarding Covid 19.
When you have completed your Risk Assessment or for any help, please email