Infection Prevention and Control Information
We are committed to providing clinical care in a clean and safe environment, to reduce the risks of Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI). As a member of the local healthcare community, we are committed to the NHS pledge to improve and drive down the incidence of preventable health care associated infections. We achieve this by identifying and reducing infection risks, continually developing safer working practices, ensuring staff have the appropriate training and by following strict policies and procedures.
As an NHS organisation, we have to fully comply with the Care Quality Commission Essential Standards of Quality and Safety, Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act (2008): Code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance (updated July 2015). These statutory requirements ensure that we strive to protect our patients and staff from infection. Our compliance against the requirement is monitored both internally and through inspections by the Care Quality Commission.
Our approach to infection prevention and control is detailed within our Infection Prevention and Control Strategy/Policy, and backed up by detailed procedures. Each year we agree an annual infection prevention and control programme, which is delivered to ensure continual improvements. A dedicated Infection Prevention and Control Group meet every three months to carefully monitor compliance against standards and to plan future improvements to practice.
Jane Chandler, Executive Director of Quality Patient Care is the nominated Director for Infection Prevention and Control. She works with the wider IPC team Tamasin Davis, Infection Prevention and Control Manager, Adam Mann, Infection Prevention and Control Lead Clinician and Helen Chapman-Duke, Infection Prevention and Control Officer to ensure patient safety.